Be Open and Receptive to Opportunities – The Benefits of Volunteering

In a downturn economy, opportunities may seem few and far between. This is likely because we are too busy seeking what we think is our “ideal” opportunity (where we want to be), and as a consequence, turn our backs to opportunities that are presented to us (where we need to be). We often overlook and forget that we, as human beings, are MVP’s (minimum viable products) in our own right; constantly growing and evolving as multi-faceted individuals. Part of this journey for growth is being open to opportunities that are presented to us along the way. There is no shortage of volunteer opportunities and given the hard times we have all felt and may currently be in, it’s extremely important, now more than ever to seek out volunteer opportunities. There are numerous benefits to volunteering:

A) Say Yes to Advancing Your Skills

Volunteering can open many doors for professional development. Many of my clients have similar goals in terms of becoming a well-rounded professional in their careers. This includes expanding and advancing their current skills, learning new skills, and taking a chance on learning skills that are not related to their specific industry. Volunteering provides the perfect opportunity to achieve these goals, while providing a safe environment to embrace new skills, and potential opportunities for mentorship.  

During my career as a Business Analyst, I was approached with the opportunity to volunteer for the Calgary IIBA® Chapter as Vice President, Marketing & Communications portfolio. I was hesitant at first, as I did not have any career experience in the marketing field, however I graciously accepted and remained open to opportunities for mentorship by current and former VP’s. After a significant learning curve and incredibly tight deadlines, I embraced my new role and was able to advance my skillset in leadership, marketing and communications, and understand my role and presence as a Board Member and decision maker. As part of this experience, we were awarded the Top Chapter Award and Most Sustainable Chapter Award from the IIBA®.

Volunteering can also enhance your transferable skills, especially if you are seeking an opportunity to switch careers. While I attended University of Toronto, I encountered a student who was merely a couple of years older than myself. He was pursuing a degree in Political Science and Psychology, while volunteering for various opportunities around campus. His volunteer experience at U of T included finance, technology, and creating opportunities where none previously existed. When I asked him why he was interested in volunteering, he responded with “It just seemed like a nice way to keep busy and get exposed to different skillsets to grow a toolbelt.” He was right. Given the numerous transferable skills related to finance that he acquired, he was hired for a job managing and overseeing the campus restaurant’s portfolio, where I worked part-time during my tenure at U of T. Furthermore, he utilized his transferable skills in technology to change careers and join the technology industry where he currently travels between Toronto and Silicon Valley.

B) Say Yes to Growing Your Networking

Networking is a proven method to developing and advancing your career. Volunteering for organizations, any organization, allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who have similar or varying skillsets. In being open to volunteer opportunities, you are also opening yourself to expanding your network with new connections. The connections that you build while volunteering are vastly different than those you experience while attending an evening networking event. The relationships that you are building will lay the foundation for connections who are able to speak to the skills that you have acquired. Volunteering in this sense, provides an opportunity to expand your network beyond your current industry, skillset, and references.

C) Say Yes to Embracing Your Altruistic Self

During these unprecedented times, there is no shortage of fear, uncertainty, and stress. We all need a purpose and a goal to work towards. We all need to maintain a sense of normalcy, drive, and purpose. It is imperative to be mindful of ourselves and each other. Volunteering can be healing for your mind and nourishing for your soul by placing you in a position to help those who are in need. Whether it’s organizing or distributing food hampers, budgeting events, or donating time to various causes, these actions will make us more purposeful in our lives while keeping us grounded and connected to each other. Embracing your altruistic self will also allow you to unlock strong leadership skills such as empathy, compassion and working with a team to be part of a community.

The benefits to volunteering are multi-faceted to suit your professional and personal goals. Volunteering instills purpose, improves well-being and mental health by fostering connections to the community. As we all continue to grow and develop as individuals, it is important to be mindful of opportunities that come along. They may be stepping stones to where we need to be.